Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is one of the most successful treatments with a nearly 75-80% success rate. It is most common procedure used to treat male infertility.

It is a type of IVF procedure where a single sperm is selected from a man’s semen and injected into the egg retrieved directly from the female body. It differs from IVF because the specialist can choose the best quality egg and sperm for embryo formation to increase pregnancy chances. This treatment is equally effective and beneficial in regular as well as other cases like egg freezing, sperm freezing, egg donation, and sperm donation.

Who needs ICSI treatment?

It is best suited for several fertility issues. Here are some of the conditions where you can opt for ICSI.

  • When the fertility issue is unknown
  • Failure of conventional IVF
  • When the sperm is abnormal, sperm count is low, or sperm motility is low
  • When the problem is related to ejaculation, and the sperm for treatment are retrieved surgically from men’s testes by the fertility specialist
  • The level of antibodies is greater in sperm.

From infertility to a miracle that gives you a baby – the ICSI journey

The following steps are involved in ICSI treatment:

  • Initial consultation with an ICSI doctor in India
  • Tests and checkups before starting treatment
  • Consultation after tests and efforts by a doctor to regulate the menstrual cycle of the female
  • The doctor prepares the ovaries of the female partner to produce several eggs
  • For final maturation of eggs, HCG injection is injected under ultrasound guidance
  • Collecting eggs from the female body and sperm from the male body
  • Fertilization of egg and sperm in the laboratory to form an embryo
  • Transferring the embryo in the uterus of the female partner
  • Regular tests to check whether the treatment was successful or not, To find out the status of conception
  • Pregnancy care and checkups

The procedure of ICSI treatment

The intracytoplasmic sperm injection or ICSI treatment is considered the most successful treatment for male infertility by the best ICSI doctors in Delhi. It is a part of IVF treatment, and nearly half of the IVF treatment is combined with ICSI for better results. In this, only one quality sperm is required for fertilization. In this procedure, the fertility specialist examines the sperm with a microscope’s help with a magnification of 400x and picks up the sperm with normal motility

One good quality sperm is selected and injected directly into an egg retrieved from the female partner’s ovaries, which is already matured. After fertilization, the fertilized egg is transferred to the uterus to grow fully. Specialized micromanipulation tools, inverted microscope, and other equipment are used to select a good quality sperm and then pick that sperm up in a specially designed ICSI needle to inject in the egg for fertilization.

Some doctors use this treatment only in severe cases, and some others use this for all patients. This method is used in some clinics after IVF failure, but some use it from the start to increase the chances of conception. In cases where women are young and healthy, and only a male partner needs infertility treatment, ICSI is used preferably. Also, sometimes the egg production in some women’s ovaries is less, and to increase the chances of conception, doctors prefer ICSI over conventional IVF. After the failure of IVF, this treatment is highly beneficial due to its greater success rate.

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