What is a blastocyst?

A blastocyst is a human embryo that’s five or six days old. Ten years ago, a day-three embryo was routinely transferred in IVF cycle. It is now believed that transferring a better-developed embryo – i.e. one that has reached the blastocyst stage – increases the chances of ongoing pregnancy.

Why Blastocyst transfer?

An Embryo that survives for five days is more viable for implantation and may give better results in an ongoing Pregnancy. Numerous Studies point to benefits of Blastocyst formation and culturing. This can lead to better transfers than earlier transfers. Although many embryos don’t survive till day five when there is a sperm quality issue.

If there are still healthy embryos available at the time of embryo transfer on the third day, it can be kept until the 5th day for blastocyst transfer. However, the embryo could not be kept after 5th day because it needs to be in the uterus of the mother on day 6.

Advantages of blastocyst

  • Only good quality sperms reach this stage thus it is a good way to ensure the quality of the embryo
  • It is good for the ones with repeated implantation failures
  • Genetic test or screening can be done for this procedure

Disadvantages of blastocyst

  • If the number of embryos is less, there are chances that no embryo will be formed and no transfer will occur then
  • If the blastocyst splits, there are high chances of completely identical twins

Who are advised to go for blastocyst?

  • The women who have faced multiple pregnancy failures, either naturally or with IVF treatment
  • Women whose normal pregnancy age have been passed and have a lower ovarian reserve must go for the blastocyst treatment to conceive.
  • Women who have a family history of multiple births and have high chances of multiple births should go for this treatment because less number of embryos are transferred than IVF procedure.

Success rates of Blastocysts

If you’re under 35, established research says that live birth rates after blastocyst transfer are higher than after cleavage-stage (earlier) transfers. There is a 20% increase in pregnanvy rates after Blastocysts tranfer in all age groups

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