Why Second Opinion is Important for Infertility Treatment and IVF?

As you get your diagnosis report stating the infertility problem, the world may seem devastating to you. For so long, you have imagined having children is easy, and with this news that you and your partner cannot conceive, all of that becomes complicated suddenly.

Ofcourse you need time to digest the news and investigate your options.
When you’re ready, discuss your fertility issues with a specialist and seek for IVF treatment. However, you may think that the current doctor isn’t good for you for any number of reasons, or the treatment he/she is suggesting might not work. You may feel discouraged or demotivated. That’s the right time to go for a second opinion.

Why seek a second opinion?
No two infertility cases are alike, and no two approaches to address the problem is the same. You may feel under-confident while getting the treatment. There is an urge to reassure whether your current doctor is advising the right treatment for you. You may have questions or doubts, in your mind. As this is the most significant decision of your life, any error may bring stress for you and your partner.

Your relationship with your current infertility specialist may grow stale with time. If you feel unimportant, uncomfortable, or rushed at any time, you can seek a second opinion. You may not feel comfortable expressing your concerns that bear weight in your treatment.

Reproductive technology is advancing at a fast pace. Your clinic may not have the newer methods and protocols that increase the chances of conception. In that case, you would want to explore your options from a second doctor and seek a different opinion.

Every diagnosis is unique. And need to be treated differently. Sometimes, the diagnostic report uncovers no verifiable cause behind your infertility. This is referred to as unexplained infertility. Often a new fertility doctor will see and recognise a cause that your current doctor is not able to.

In any case, you should seek a second opinion. Dr. Roshi Satija is having a Second Opinion Camp on 23rd January 2021 (Saturday). For free registration, please contact and consult – 9958722133