3 Reasons that must be Stopping you from Conceiving

Do you get thoughts like “why I’m not getting pregnant?”; “is there any fault in me, or my partner?”. After having been trying hard to conceive, if nothing happens, these thoughts are bound to arise in your mind. There are many reasons, including ovulation irregularities, low sperm count, PCOS, or any underlying medical problem.
While there can be several reasons for infertility, including irregular periods, and severe menstrual cramps, the harsh truth is that most of the causes are silent, and male infertility doesn’t show symptoms.

Male Fertility Issue
In 20-30% of infertility cases, the problem is discovered in the male. Male infertility generally has no or fewer symptoms; without a semen analysis, it becomes impossible to find out infertility in men. Make sure you get both of you tested so that the real reason behind your infertility comes at front.

Female Fertility Issue
Conception involves the fertilisation of an egg by sperm. If you’re not ovulating, pregnancy is not possible in your case. Possible causes of an Ovulation is PCOS, a thyroid dysfunction, being over or underweight, and extreme workout. If your menstrual cycle is not regular, you are at a higher chance of suffering from female infertility. However, being regular on your periods also doesn’t guarantee that ovulation is occurring.

Selection of a Misleading Gynaecologist
Selection of a right and understanding gynaecologist is vital for a successful delivery. Many scam doctors are sitting out there just to make money and help none. You need to beware of them! However, looking for an IVF expert may seem a daunting task. Thorough research about the clinic, reading reviews online, personally discussing your problems with the doctor may help.

Dr. Roshi Satija is one the leading gynaecologists of India with an aim to serve the society. She provides her outstanding and selfless service in SLM hospital, which is one of the best IVF centres in Delhi and also at Aradhya Clinic, Delhi. You may consider contacting her and call anytime for consultation — 9599309074